Howling ‘Laud’ Hope is a guest of honour at The Barn in Ledbury, Herefordshire where he will give a party political speech.
There will be live music on the Saturday night, admission is £10.
Everyone is welcome. It’s very likely that The Barn Ledbury will be the venue of our 41st annual conference Sept 25-27th 2025.
The latest OFFICIAL documentary
In late November 2024, we were contacted by the seasoned (a pinch of salt & a sprig of Thyme) university film quartet Group 2. They wanted some representatives for their latest feature length documentary about the OMRLP. After much deliberation it was decided that our Glorious Leader, Howling Laud Hope and a fifth of a Deputy Leader, Agent Chinners would be our victims for this prestigious task. Here we proudly present the OFFICIAL final version with a 99 minute ‘Directors Cut’ version scheduled for release in the Autumn of 2029.
May Elections *Update Some Cancelled*
Notice for Members old and new, or anyone who would like to represent ‘The Official Monster Raving Loony Party’.
Some Local Elections will take place in your area on Thursday 1st May although some have been cancelled. Whether it be Parish, Town, District, or County, all are free of charge with no deposit required. Papers will have to be in by Tues 1st April, they can be got from your local Town Hall or Council Office
You can’t just stand, you must get permission from the Party’s Nomination Officer to stand for The Loony Party. Call him on 07946 292557 or by e-mail
If you are new to the game, we can talk you through it, no problem!!
Howling ‘Laud’ Hope – Loony Party Leader
2025 here we come, another year of sheer Lunacy
Look out, look out, there’s a Loony about!
Hopefully you all had a good Christmas and New Year. 2024 was an interesting year for us once again. I started off in January as usual out in Malta, not quite as busy as normal, still suffering from the lockdown, as a lot of holiday places are, but still the Brits over there look forward to my arrival and Loony stories.
February got us off to a good start with three By-elections. The Raving Rodent stood in Rochdale, Nick the Flying Brick stood in Wellingborough, and I was down for Kingswood Bristol, but my agent for that area was rushed to hospital and couldn’t get my nomination papers in on time.
Of the two that we did, we didn’t come last, which for some reason upsets a few that take it all too seriously. In general most people though like the fact that we are there and able to do what we do.
March, I was invited to be guest speaker at Britain’s top 6th form college down in Eastleigh Hampshire. Pleased to say that we now have a very good Loony enclave down there, some saying that they will stand in future elections. They booked me because they had seen that I had already spoken at Eton and Oxford.
May, there was another By-election in Blackpool South and I was the candidate, once again not coming last. On same day there were ‘local elections’ where I stood for my District Council of Hart in Hampshire, didn’t get on but still retain my seat on the Fleet Town Council where I live.
July was the big one, a general election was called, much sooner than we all thought, but it didn’t catch us out, we managed to field twenty two candidates. Well done to you all, and all those who helped. In fact quite a few of those candidates made it up to our annual conference in Belper, Derbyshire. Talking of which our conference 2025 has not quite been finalised as yet, but will be within the next 6 weeks.
A big round of applause for Agent Chinners for his appearance on the James Whale show
Once again I would like to thank our team, Nick the Flying Brick, RU Seerius, Agent Chinners, Baron Von Thunderclap and Knigel Knapp.
But as always a big thank you to you, our party members, supporters and sympathisers, without you it wouldn’t be half the fun.
For more intricate detail of stories in this message go to
All that is left for me to say is ‘Happy New Year’ to you all, see you in 2025 somewhere or other, I’ll be bound.
Howling ‘Laud’ Hope – Loony Party Leader
Loony New Years Honours 2025

We are delighted to now reveal the six new OFFICIAL Loony Ministers along with the Ministry they have been awarded to run once we are in Government, so in no particular order >>>
Lord Ash of Gould (Minister of Talking TV’s)
In a nod to his breaking of tradition, we decided to announce the appointment of Lord Gould live on Christmas Day on Talk TV’s “The Lord James Whale Show”. This gala ceremony can be enjoyed via another recent article on this website. In his acceptance speech, Lord Gould has pledged to make a big difference with the monsters.

Lord Rick Wakeman (Minister of Grumpy Affirmative Moog’s)

Lord Pothole (Minister for Wholesome Plastic Quarry Duck Campaigns)

Lord Roy Wood (Minister of Rainy Rock ‘n’ Roll Winter Flowers)

A. Gent Chinners
James Whale Unwrapped
James Whale MBE and his wife Nadine ‘at home’ for their Christmas Special. Visitors include Ash Gould as the Grinch, Britain’s only Jewish Elvis impersonator, Elvis Shmelvis, quiz master Andrew Eborn and ‘A Gent’ Chinners from the Monster Raving Loony Party at 25mins
New Years Honours Talk on Xmas Day TV
It is around this time of year that rumours begin to circulate about who, of the good & not so good, will receive Knighthoods, Gongs, Bells or Whistles. Will Saint David Spice be rewarded for not sending angry Knightly emails? Will Sadiq Khan get a gong for his services to knife crime?
The Loony Party has always been one step ahead with its own OFFICIAL #NewYearsHonours, which recognise those truly worthy of sutch acclaim, with the likes of Lord Brian May, Lord Tony Blackburn & Lord James Whale all being made OFFICIAL Ministers before any inferior gong came their way.
Our new Ministers will be unveiled at the tail end of December 2024 but as a token of our esteem, one of the six will be revealed at 1pm on Christmas Day on the Lord James Whale Show on TalkTV which can be viewed via their live YouTube channel
Keep your eyes peeled & toenails suitably polished via this website & our Social Media accounts, for any further updates that we may deem necessary to divulge.
Loony Party Conference 2024
The Loony Party returned to Belper in Derbyshire for our fortieth conference. It was our third visit to the George & Dragon, the two others had been held before lockdown. We were welcomed by new landlord Dan Newton and it all went loonily well.
I arrived ten days before and the TV, radio, and newspapers quickly found me. A few of the party arrived earlier in the week determined not to miss any part of the occasion.
Friday started with a great live set from local band ‘Manpant’, so local that the landlord Dan and previous landlord Craig are in the band. They were followed by a ‘burlesque spot’ from our very own ‘Loony Lady Lux’. Then ‘Moon Bullet’ completed an excellent night of entertainment.
We set off at noon on Saturday to explore the town’s delights and the pubs all welcomed us. Morris Side the ‘Black Pigs’ always add a sense of fun and colour dancing around town. There were sixty of us wandering around town thoroughly enjoying ourselves.
The buses stopped to let the passengers enjoy the spectacle and once again the shoppers said ‘please come back every year!’
We returned to base for our world famous ‘Cabinet Reshuffle’, it takes place in a wardrobe! This year there was a massive split in the cabinet as so many had jumped in and out and it ended crumpled in a heap in the corner of the car park.
I gave my speech recounting all that had happened throughout the year and congratulated our twenty two candidates for their astonishing efforts in the July General Election. My 25 years as ‘party political leader’ are now recognised as the longest serving in Britain. I have stood in 36 Parliamentary elections, 10 of those being ‘General Elections’, which is another British record.
In the evening we were woken by, ‘ACDC Done Dirt Cheap’ with their excellent set, but before the main band we had a surprise guest, our old friend ‘Dave Savage’ turned up with guitar in hand and started the whole evening off. Superb surprise.
I had invited an extra special guest who lives very near, Roy Wood of ELO, Move and Wizard. He sent a nice letter of apology for not being able to make it as he was going to America to see his daughter. But he wished us all the best and said ‘keep up the good work’.
I would like to thank Radio Alty from Manchester for covering the event for two days. Most of all though I would like to thank you all for being there, it was great fun, you make it happen!
We’ll meet again
Howling Laud Hope – Loony Leader
Colin Dale
It is with great sadness that I have to say goodbye to Colin Dale.
I had known Colin since the early days of Screaming Lord Sutch, they went to the same school together. He was a DJ on Radio Sutch out in the English channel. He was a Londoner, spent time in Bucks, but then ended up living in Wales still doing his own version of Radio Sutch from his front room. He stood for UKIP at one election, but then in May 2010 he stood for The Monster Raving Loony Party in Buckinghamshire against John Bercow and gained a very respectable 856 votes. He actually came to Witney in 2010 to support me against David Cameron in the same election for a couple of days. That was the last time I saw him, although we had spoken many times on the phone, we both agreed that perhaps we were the last two standing from that late 50s early 60s era. He was a man who said what he thought, and stood by every word, but was also the first to give an apology if he was wrong. A true Rock’n’Roller to the core. To him Bill Haley was the king, I cant argue with that. So long Colin or The Baron as he was known way back when. From all of us in the Loony Party and many more.
Howling ‘Laud’ Hope