Although we are ‘Loonies’ we often appear to be the sensible party. Despite this, it will be the 5th general election I’ve lost.
‘Loony’ policies that we first proposed that are now law include reducing the voting age from 21 to 18, allowing independent local radio stations, passports for pets, and all day opening for pubs. We were the first to advocate lowering the voting age to 16.
‘Green policies’. Roofs of all new housing to be made of solar panels.
Giant ‘hamster wheels’ to be placed in all public parks for joggers to run in. These will generate free electricity for pensioners.
‘Brexit policies’. Place a row of toll booths across the English channel to charge for European access. France to give us back Brittany. Europeans who drive on the wrong, right hand side of the road to drive on the right, left hand side.
We think Labour have missed a trick with their return to the 70’s. I remember the 70’s had nationalisation ruining industry, pointless strikes, and the 3 day week. The 60’s is a much better option – good music, long hair, peace and love!
Most importantly, we are the only party that promises to SAVE THE DODO.