2025 here we come, another year of sheer Lunacy

Look out, look out, there’s a Loony about!
Hopefully you all had a good Christmas and New Year. 2024 was an interesting year for us once again. I started off in January as usual out in Malta, not quite as busy as normal, still suffering from the lockdown, as a lot of holiday places are, but still the Brits over there look forward to my arrival and Loony stories.
February got us off to a good start with three By-elections. The Raving Rodent stood in Rochdale, Nick the Flying Brick stood in Wellingborough, and I was down for Kingswood Bristol, but my agent for that area was rushed to hospital and couldn’t get my nomination papers in on time.
Of the two that we did, we didn’t come last, which for some reason upsets a few that take it all too seriously. In general most people though like the fact that we are there and able to do what we do.
March, I was invited to be guest speaker at Britain’s top 6th form college down in Eastleigh Hampshire. Pleased to say that we now have a very good Loony enclave down there, some saying that they will stand in future elections. They booked me because they had seen that I had already spoken at Eton and Oxford.
May, there was another By-election in Blackpool South and I was the candidate, once again not coming last. On same day there were ‘local elections’ where I stood for my District Council of Hart in Hampshire, didn’t get on but still retain my seat on the Fleet Town Council where I live.

July was the big one, a general election was called, much sooner than we all thought, but it didn’t catch us out, we managed to field twenty two candidates. Well done to you all, and all those who helped. In fact quite a few of those candidates made it up to our annual conference in Belper, Derbyshire. Talking of which our conference 2025 has not quite been finalised as yet, but will be within the next 6 weeks.
A big round of applause for Agent Chinners for his appearance on the James Whale show
Once again I would like to thank our team, Nick the Flying Brick, RU Seerius, Agent Chinners, Baron Von Thunderclap and Knigel Knapp.
But as always a big thank you to you, our party members, supporters and sympathisers, without you it wouldn’t be half the fun.
For more intricate detail of stories in this message go to www.loonyparty.com
All that is left for me to say is ‘Happy New Year’ to you all, see you in 2025 somewhere or other, I’ll be bound.
Howling ‘Laud’ Hope – Loony Party Leader