Catch up with the Leader!

It was a busy start to the year with three by-elections in February, but really it feels like four in three months.
I was the candidate in Tamworth Oct 19th 2023 and spent ten days canvassing. On the morning of polling day I was rushed off by ambulance and spent a further ten days in Burton-on-Trent hospital. That is why you didn’t see me in my usual position on the stage next to the winner. All is well now, it was a minor set back and I achieved 155 votes and didn’t come last! There were three elections in February, we chose ‘Nick the Flying Brick’ to stand in Wellingborough, North Hants, I would do Bristol Kingwood, and Nick Antrobus ‘The Ravin Rodent’, would take Rochdale. All was going well until Lord Benjamin Baker, my election agent in Bristol was whisked off to hospital with a serious lung complaint on the day the nomination papers were due in. All is well with him now, but that is why I was not able to stand. I was looking forward to my 34th Parliamentary Election but never mind, I’m sure there will be many more in the future.
Now talking of Elections, this coming May 2nd there will be local elections, maybe where you live, check on it. But you can’t just stand, you need a letter of authority from our party nominations officer. The is no deposit it is all free, ring on 07946 292 557. A General Election will be held later on in the year, this costs £500 to stand, but you can get yourself sponsored if you can’t afford the whole lot. Plus if you get 5% of the vote, you get your money back. We’ve been close a couple of times, maybe you could be the one to get your name in ‘The Guinness Book of Records’.

Party Conference is now set for another ‘Belter in Belper’ Derbyshire, held at The George and Dragon between 26-28th September. We’ve been there before, it’s a great venue, more details to follow.
Keep on Looning
Howling ‘Laud’ Hope Your Party Leader