This is what we love doing! Blackpool South!

I am the candidate for the by-election for Blackpool South which will take place on Thursday May 2nd. This will be the 34th time I have stood for a Parliamentary election. It was set up with a helping hand from our own Nick the Flying Brick who collected the ten signatures and organised my nomination on a cold and rainy day last week! I will be in Blackpool from Sunday 21st April for two weeks until the 5th May and am booked into a couple of hustings with more to come. We are confident of victory! Any party members and friends in and around Blackpool, or from anywhere, are welcome to come along and join in.
You can always get ‘The Howler’ on 07946 292557. I will not receive e-mails for those two weeks.

I will also be contesting ‘The Hart District Council’ in my home town of Fleet Hampshire on the same day. They were a bit put out when I told them that I won’t be at that count as I will be in Blackpool, ‘it won’t be the same without you’ was the cry!

Going forward now, as you all know there will be a General Election Oct/Nov time. We are lining up candidates for this now. At this early stage we are looking at 20 candidates. If you want to have a go, come and join us. The same phone no 07946292557. See if you can be the first to retain your deposit!!!
Howling ‘Laud’ Hope – Loony Party Leader