Loony Membership

One year’s membership to The Loony Party is £15-
You can join by using Paypal button below or contact Baron Von Thunderclap using the form lower down this page.
It is better for us if you choose the option of ‘Standing Order Annual Subscription’ – where your annual subscription of £15 is automatically contributed to the  Loony Party and you remain year in year out a member of the most sensible party in British politics.
Please give us your Loony Name. Anything goes, but we should warn you that your Loony Name will be addressed on correspondence to you, so don’t blame us if your marriage ends abruptly because your wife receives a package addressed to ‘Baron Unfaithful Boaster of Broadmoor’.

Included in your £15 membership is:

  • A Loony Party Rosette
  • A Certificate of Insanity
  • A Loony badge
  • Your Loony Party I.D Card
  • A letter from our Leader , Alan ‘Howlin Laud’ Hope

Please expect 3-4 weeks for delivery of the membership pack
One Year Membership

There are two options in the drop-down menu below
I year UK membership: £15-
1 year International (outside the UK): £20

The extra charge for ‘International’ is to cover the extra postage for sending parcels outside the UK.

Payment Options

Declare your Loony Name

Standing Order Annual Subscription
Renew your membership automatically with Paypal every year click below for annual subscription of £15. This option will withdraw your subscription every year on the date you join, and every year you will automatically receive a membership pack.

Type your Loony Name

Postal Form for Membership and optional T-shirt
Please Join_the_Loony_Party_Form and send it with a cheque or postal order made payable to:
‘OMRLP’ Membership Secretary
Baron Von Thunderclap
Bundy’s Cottage, Colwood Lane, Bolney, Sussex, RH17 5QQ

Data Protection: Information received by the OMRLP will not be published, sold or passed on to any agency or third person.