Previous Roles

sutch2Screaming Lord Sutch
1961 to 1999 – Leader
1999 to Date – Spiritual Leader
After forming the ‘Sod em All Party’ in 1961, Screaming Lord Sutch renamed it the ‘National Teenage Party’ in 1963, the ‘Go To Blazes Party’ in 1970 and finally the ‘Official Monster Raving Loony Party’ in 1983. He lead the party for 38 years and is still the spiritual leader following his death in 1999.

Joint Party Leader 1999 to 2002, Spiritual Member 2002 to Date
Voted joint party leader in 1999, along with his owner Alan ‘Howling Laud’ Hope, Cat-Mandu helped run the party until his unexpected demise in 2002 after a road accident.

Barmy Lord Brockman
Chairman of Vice (Vice Chairman) 2021 – 2023
Barmy Lord Brockman 2nd Earl of Mustard, Shadow Minister for things left on the side of your plate. World Champion & ‘Professor’ of the kazoo. Chief Camel Herder of the 3rd Worcestershire Camel Corps. Perpetual Evesham Town Council candidate. Stood in 2019 General Election.

TC Owen (Bananaman)
Deputy Party Chair 1999 to 1999, Party Chair 1999 to 2007, Deputy Party Leader 2007 – 2019
Accepted the role of Deputy Party Chair at the 1999 party conference, T.C.Owen was promoted to chair after Lord Tiverton died, one week after his appointment. He has actively fulfilled that role until 2007 when he was appointed as Deputy Party Leader.

Boney Maroney
boney1Deputy Party Leader, Party Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer 1999 to 2007
Boney Maroney  was voted Deputy Party Leader in 1999. She added the role of Party Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer, with responsibilities to the Electoral Commission, to her workload in 2001 when the Mad Cow-Girl left to tour the USA. Between 2001 and 2007, when she resigned, she performed all roles and kept the party on a very even keel.

Lord Tiverton
tiverton1Party Chair 1999 to 1999 1999 to Date Spiritual Member
Derek Howell (Lord of Tiverton), who was a veteran loony campaigner at General & Euro elections, accepted the appointment of party chairman from his hospital bed in his home town of Hastings. Unfortunately ‘Tivers’ never recovered from his illness and died one week later.

dangermouse1Party Secretary 1995 to 1999.
Taking on the day to day running of the membership and treasury for the party in the mid 90s, Dangermouse worked tirelessly to keep members informed of loony events, elections and conference notices. He eventually passed this role on to the Mad Cow-Girl in 1999 after the death of Screaming Lord Sutch.

Mad Cow Girl
madcowParty Secretary, Membership Secretary & Treasurer and Webmistress 1999-2001, Archivist 2008 to 2010.
The Mad Cow-Girl was Party Secretary, Membership Secretary & Treasurer and Webmistress from 1999 to 2001. She resigned from all these posts and went to America. Some time after she returned she wrote the ‘Loony Archive’ which was launched in 2005 and became the official archivist in 2008.  Sadly Mad Cow-Girl passed away July 2010.

The Flying Pasty
stewart1Webmaster 2003 to 2007
The Flying Pasty took over the role of official party webmaster in 2003 after Mad cow resigned. He resigned, with Boney Maroney, in May 2007.