Every day the news should tell people an interesting fact in a hope to increase people’s knowledge.
How to win an election…The Zimbabwe way
In order to modernise the election process in Zimbabwe Mugabe has introduced an enquiry hotline to encourage voters to vote for the right party and to ensure fair play is seen and done. To do this voters are encouraged to phone their embassy and listen to the recorded message. Click here to hear it (must have sound card) Click your back button to return to this page.
Mad Hatters Tea Party
24/03/08 Mad Hatters Tea Party
A Full report on this can be seen here. and a video link of “what the papers say here” A fantastic weekend was had by all with a considerable sum raised for 3rd Molesey Scouts raised. Pics are already on view at www.phototed.co.uk
Cuisine (suggested by Mr A. Lobster)
Jamie Oliver, Delia Smith and Ainslie Harriet should be boiled in a cauldron of scalding hot water before any public appearance.
Olimpic event
‘Following the Leader’ is a pastime that has been cast aside by society today and we think it should become an extreme event in the Olimpicks. (We are keeping this one hidden from Tony Blair as he may make it law)
A Lions share
It is proposed that we change the English symbol of three lions to 3 badgers. How often do you see lions running round the countryside, we should be proud of the lack of wild and interesting species on our fair isle.
A Warm solution
It is proposed that all pavements are heated so it is possible to walk bare foot in the winter, this would also serve another purpose by making the pavements warm no ice would form on them thereby reducing the risk of injury for everyone.
Smooth Ride – A proposal from Lee
Far too many speed bumps are creeping into our residential streets.
It is proposed to remove them all and replace them with eliptical, egg shaped wheels on every car. This would be like taking the bumps with you. Buses would be exempt.
Sweet Clarity – A proposal from Gavin
‘all mixed sweets (e.g Smarties, Skittles, Fruit Pastilles etc) must come in a clear wrapper so you know exactly which one your getting next (also so you know when not to offer the next one!).
ASBOs – a proposal from Daniel
Yobs and delinquent youths, seem to like ASBOs they treat them like a medal. Well an idea to fix this is call them: “Magic Pink Fluffy Bunny awards” no one not even a yob would want to get that. Perhaps as an extra deterrent they have to wear pink fluffy bunny ears and a badge saying: “I love the magic pink fluffy bunny”